Design of solar components & systems
sbp sonne designs supporting structures, optical concepts and drives for solar collectors and supports clients in all service phases. We undertake the structural calculations and the associated dimensioning and optimization of these structures. Additionally, we perform techno-economic analyses for the supporting structure, optics and drives and optimize them. This also applies to the optical evaluation of the collectors. Based on statistical analyses of weather data or by means of tests in the wind tunnel, we prepare a load calculation in accordance with standards.
We develop safety concepts for the operating and driving strategy, also in case of deviations from the standardization, as well as manufacturing and assembly concepts. To verify our calculations, we build and test prototypes. Optical evaluations and optimizations of our systems are also carried out by us.
For our clients we prepare the corresponding tender documents, as well as a mass, cost and basic calculation and provide evidence of the “bankability” of new innovative concepts. We provide the necessary proofs for the building authorities as well as the documentation of the planning and development. For the tracking and evaluation of the solar collectors we develop the appropriate hard- and software and are available as technical supervisor during the solar test operation.