K2 Floating PV

The D-Dome from K2 Systems is a proven PV module mounting solution for flat roofs. It has been further developed for use on onshore water surfaces such as freshwater ponds and lakes. Air-filled floaters made of HDPE are used as floating elements. The modular design allows a flexible extension of the system. An assembly of 280 modules was considered. In the scope of this development project this concept was dynamically configured for a chosen reference location in the Netherlands.

Renningen, Germany
Markus Balz


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approx. 35 x 20 m


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Our product used in this project

Floating PV

sbp sonne’s innovative FPV system consist of air-filled floating units (membrane “tubes”), like an inflatable boat. This concept enables very fast installation, while the geometry and internal pressure of the tubes can easily be adapted to the site and environmental conditions. Our FPV system called Gömbhal, Hungarian for pufferfish, thus reacts to special situations similar to an inflating puffer fish.

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