INDITEP Pilot Plant PSA Direct Steam Production

Two drive units, each used to actuate eight linked collectors with a total length of 100 m, were designed for the Spanish Research Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology (CIEMAT) as slightly modified successors of the EuroTrough II parabolic trough collector. The collectors are used to preheat water for an existing experimental parabolic trough. In contrast to previous parabolic troughs, the INDITEP is designed to be erected on sloped ground surfaces. This building site has a slope of 1.5°.

Almería, Spain
C.I.E.M.A.T., Madrid
Markus Balz


Technical Data

Loop length
600 m
Collector length
12 m
5.8 m


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Our product used in this project

Parabolic Troughs

Proven state of the art for CSP

Over the years, sbp sonne developed and licensed three different types of parabolic trough collectors: the EuroTrough, the HelioTrough and the UltimateTrough. We are now focusing on the distribution and commercialization of the ‘HelioTrough’ and ‘UltimateTrough’, as these collector developments have been proven to significantly reduce costs and improve performance for large scale power plants.

The UltimateTrough collector for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants is the world’s largest and most advanced parabolic trough collector. Measurements indicate that efficiency of the UltimateTrough is over 10% higher as compared to the benchmark collector.

More about this technology