HPS2 – High Performance Solar 2

High Performance Solar 2 is a demonstration plant that is being built and operated by an international consortium of industry and research institutes. In this test facility, the economic efficiency and operational safety of molten salt as a heat transfer medium is to be investigated.
Up to now, commercial parabolic trough power plants have been using thermal oils as a heat transfer medium. A decisive advantage of molten salt over thermal oil is its good resistance at high temperatures as well as direct energy storage.
Due to the special requirements for the collector design, TSK Flagsol commissioned sbp sonne to further develop the well-known HelioTrough collector.
Due to its high concentration factors, the collector is particularly suitable for use at high operating temperatures and thus for molten salt operation.

Évora, Portugal
Universidade de Évora
Markus Balz


Technical Data

SCE length
19 m
Opening width
6.77 m
Loop length
approx. 700 m


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Our product used in this project

Parabolic Troughs

Proven state of the art for CSP

Over the years, sbp sonne developed and licensed three different types of parabolic trough collectors: the EuroTrough, the HelioTrough and the UltimateTrough. We are now focusing on the distribution and commercialization of the ‘HelioTrough’ and ‘UltimateTrough’, as these collector developments have been proven to significantly reduce costs and improve performance for large scale power plants.

The UltimateTrough collector for Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) plants is the world’s largest and most advanced parabolic trough collector. Measurements indicate that efficiency of the UltimateTrough is over 10% higher as compared to the benchmark collector.

More about this technology