Prüfung ArcTech PV-Tracker

ArcTech Solar ist einer der weltweit führenden Anbieter von PV-Trackern. sbp sonne wurde mit der Prüfung des ArcTech PV-Tracker (1P) von Skyline beauftragt. Untersucht wurden hierbei die Einhaltung bestehender Normen sowie das statische und dynamische Verhalten unter kritischen Windverhältnissen.

Ibri, Oman
Markus Balz


Technische Daten

600 MW
einachsig mit 1P Konfiguration


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Verwendetes Produkt

PV Tracker

Chasing the sun

A PV tracker can increase the output of photovoltaic systems by 30 or even 40 percent compared to fixed installations. sbp sonne develops and optimizes PV trackers despite complex boundary conditions that mechanically adjust the orientation of photovoltaic modules towards the sun to minimize the angle of incidence between the incoming sun rays and the flat panel.

We’ve been moving building components and solar systems ever since. Over the past years, sbp sonne has accumulated an unparalleled insight into the global PV tracker market and developments. We´re capable of incorporating all this knowledge with very complex boundary conditions into your project up to to the last detail. We help to make innovative PV trackers safe, resilient, and economically profitable!

Our PV tracker layouts are verified by structural and dynamic reference calculations and reduce cost significantly!

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