PV-Tracker Root-Cause Analysis
Based on our broad experience within the industry and our wide in-house knowledge about the specific behavior of single-axis tracking structures, sbp sonne serves as independent expert consultant for structural failure investigations. Our opinion is widely recognized from major developer, original equipment manufacturers (OEM’s) or insurance companies. Sbps has served as independent consultants in more than 15 root-cause investigations around the world, providing on-site measurements and surveys, advanced desktop studies as well as expert hearings for legal or arbitration purposes.
Our specialist team of experts can provide full root-cause investigation scope, based on international standards such as VDI Richtlinie 3822” or ISO/IEC 31010.
The services include but are not limited to:
Site-visits including measurements, surveys, sampling, documentation
Comparison of project documentation with as-built status, analysis and commentary of documentation and compliance to specification / standards
Desktop evaluation of incident data (climatic, control)
Climate / Extreme weather studies for incidents
Structural reference calculation and in-depth modelling of failed structures
Proposal and schematic design of reinforcement and strengthening measures, mitigation strategies
Alle Leistungen
Techno-economic development of solar components
PV-Tracker Projects Review
PV-Tracker Third-party Consulting
PV-Tracker Root-Cause Analysis
Feasibility & optimization studies
Max Dinkelaker